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Overview of Cheetoh

Nicknamed the Tarzan cat, the Cheetoh looks and walks like a Cheetah but they’re 100% domestic! In 2003, Carol Drymon wanted to create a cat with the looks of a spotted wild cat but with the lovable temperament of a domestic kitty. She got her wish when she crossed a Bengal and an Ocicat! Bigger than your average house kitty, the Cheetoh cat can weigh up to 23 pounds. The United Feline Organization has recognized these beautiful spotted kitties since November 2004. They are listed as an experimental breed in the International Cat Association because they are still such a new breed and relatively rare! Having two spotted parents means that the Cheetoh has a beautiful rosetted coat as well. They come in 6 different coat colors that range from snow spotted to blue and red marbled. Like their Asian Leopard ancestors, Cheetohs move with confidence and grace. They walk with their shoulders down, giving them a distinctive walk - like they are constantly on the prowl!

Personality of Cheetoh

Cheetohs are gentle, playful cats that crave attention from a large group of people, making them ideal furry companions for a large, active family. They are one of the easiest cat breeds to train, so if you dream of having your cat on a harness for outdoor adventuring, this could be the pet for you! Their short, shiny coat requires weekly brushing to keep mats and tangles at bay. Just like their Bengal ancestors, Cheetoh cats love to play in water! So if you're looking for a big kitty who looks wild but is super docile and has a good sense of humor, the Cheetoh cat may be a perfect fit!

Common Health Issues & Recommendations for Cheetoh Cats

Dental Disease: is one of the most common health issues in kitties. Dental disease in cats affects more than just their teeth. Bacteria from the mouth can enter their bloodstream and damage the liver, kidney, lungs, and heart.

Recommendations for Dental Disease in Cheetoh Cats:

  • Mouth Drops - All-natural mouth drops that are formulated to help eliminate bacteria from your cat’s mouth and guard against gingivitis and tooth decay.

Luxating Patella: is a condition that can be characterized by a patella (kneecap) that dislocates or moves out of its normal location. This is a common health issue in breeds like the Cheetoh and may cause mobility issues later on.

Recommendations for Luxating Patella in Cheetoh Cats:

  • Old Timer - Natural support to help ease joint discomfort, soothe inflammation and improve energy levels.
  • Multi Essentials - Helps fill nutritional voids and supports healthy joints, muscles and bones.
  • Yucca - Formulated to stimulate digestion, stimulate appetite and encourage healthy circulation.
  • Turmeric - An all-natural formulation of turmeric and black pepper that is beneficial for mobility issues due to its anti-inflammatory and discomfort relieving properties.

Heart Disease in Cats: Just like their Bengal ancestors, Cheetoh cats may be prone to developing adult onset hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, caused by the enlargement or thickening of the heart. This is the most common type of heart disease in cats.

Recommendations for Heart Disease in Cheetoh Cats:

  • Heart Health Super Support Kit - A bundle of natural remedies formulated to support feline cardiovascular disease, improve blood flow to the heart and support overall heart health.
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